SITca App

A complete App for current transport models

SIT ca® provides d information on shipment tracking for end customers, states of guides and news.

SIT ca® APP offers the control solution for each of the movements in the package mode.

As simple as that, the SIT ca® mobile application offers maximum efficiency in the processes of mass cargo and package transport models.

google play app store


to use

Its graphic concept and design is easy to understand for handling its functions.



Always s, guaranteeing the optimization of transport models.



For any circumstance that arises with our remote or on-site support system.

App Conductor

App drivers and deliveries


Our APP for mass cargo transport models allows cargo compliments to be made at the same time of delivery at the destination.

For deliveries, with our APP, the delivery of guides is fulfilled in the package mode, capturing the image of the delivery. This process is done unit by unit.

Capture of information in the field including geographic coordinates, photos and digital signature on mobile.

SIT ca® has an App designed for drivers, they can validate information on the operation of the load.



The driver can notice the guides that are associated with them to carry out collections and deliveries of merchandise.



Drivers can create guides associated with clients, allowing information queries during the journey; filtering by guide number, by client and date.


Pick up:

If a collection has been assigned within the system, the guide code can be scanned to verify the associated units to be transported.


Collection download:

Drivers can consult their equipment, assigned deliveries and information related to deliveries from the application.

You can configure your profile

The drivers App will be in charge of showing the operational part, it will give access to those who are in the warehouse or to people who are in charge of the operational part of the system, see:

• What state are the guides in?

• See or report any news that may occur within the operation of this transport.

Driver app



Through the mobile application, your drivers will be able to report the compliments of their assigned guides in advance, the information that is provided can be reflected in real time within the platform and in this way they will have traceability.



Notice of Completion.


Photographic field to upload proof.


Information reflected in real time.
